
  1. 為在英港人建立互助網絡
  2. 在英港人能運用其能力融入本地社區
  3. 保存及傳承香港文化傳統


  1. Establishing mutual support networks among Hongkongers in the UK
  2. Promoting social integration and advocating their social capacity for tuning into the UK community
  3. Preserving the cultural heritage of Hong Kong  


  1. 透過連結在英港人,以發揮其既有之能力彼此互助
  2. 提供社區資訊,以協助在英港人能解決新生活適應問題
  3. 加強英港人之下一代認識香港歷史及文化
  4. 促進本地不同文化人士認識香港文化


  1. To enhance the social capacity of Hongkongers and their families by building and strengthening the network with the community.
  2. To empower and support the Hongkongers by giving community resource information.
  3. To strengthen and deepen the knowledge about Hong Kong’s history and culture for the offspring generation.
  4. To facilitate the cultural exchange between the Brit and Hong Kong communities.